Industry Experts

We do business differently

Exdion Insurance operates at the intersection of advanced AI technology and the insurance sector. 

Exdion was the first company to offer a comprehensive suite of insurance policy management software designed to address the ongoing industry issues of manual processing, employee overload, increased expenses, and broker errors and omissions.  

Our full suite of products continues to dramatically improve an agency’s internal processes,  reduces expense costs and significantly improves the productivity of employees throughout the organization  

Now Exdion Insurance has moved beyond its original suite of AI products to offer the end-to-end digitalization of broker businesses. Most solutions are offered on secure cloud as SAAS and integrated seamlessly with existing ERP solutions. This strategy eliminates Capex needs, minimizes change management efforts and enables companies to start leveraging proven solutions from day 1 as Opex.  

Exdion Insurance President and CEO Steven Salar said: “We just do business differently. We work from the ground up with a deep understanding from the frontline, so that our solutions are adopted and embraced because they work for the people who use them.  

“We already have relationships with our clients where we have introduced AI products like Policy Check, so when we speak to the leadership group, we already know a lot about their business.   

“Through AI, we can now leverage powerful data and analytics to create executive dashboards that can create new revenue opportunities.”   

“Our edge is in our deep insurance sector knowledge. We have advanced AI, machine learning and natural language processing technology combined with our experience in design, development, implementation and execution of insurance broker operations.” 

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