Expand your horizons when you partner with us

When you build a relationship with Exdion Insurance, you gain access to industry-leading digital and AI technology solutions and support.

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Our policy checking and quote compare products are used by over 1000 CSR’s today across 15 of the Top 100 brokers

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We offer simple engagement models enabling brokers of any size to benefit from technology

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Ask about our attractive and flexible partner compensation models

Your customers will benefit from:

  • Our proven, trusted and solution-driven Generative AI and machine learning technology environment tailored to US insurance brokers and carriers
  • Access to Exdion’s insurance leaders with decades of industry knowledge and hands-on broker and carrier experience
  • A forward-thinking solutions approach to building a sustainable future in today’s evolving insurance sector

Let us work together

As an Exdion Insurance partner, you gain a significant competitive edge.
Differentiate your offering with our unique, innovative solutions.

Select the partnership(s) that works best for you



Refer leads and earn big

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Sell together and up revenue

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White-label and serve customers

How to connect with us!

Partnering with Exdion is a strategic move to foster your long-term business growth.
We are delighted to invite you to talk to us about options for working together.

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